Call Now (515) 276-4567 - Available 24/7
Everything was so beautiful, and with the caring support provided it made the process of arrangements much easier at this difficult time.
We are available to answer your questions any time. Please use the contact form below, and an Iles Funeral Homes representative will get in touch with you. If you have an immediate need, please call us at 515-276-4567.
Estimate & Plan
Iles Dunn's Funeral Home 2121 Grand Ave Des Moines, IA 50312 (515) 244-2121
Iles Westover Funeral Home 6337 Hickman Rd Des Moines, IA 50322 (515) 276-4567
Iles Grandview Park Funeral Home 3211 Hubbell Ave Des Moines, IA 50317 (515) 265-1652
Iles Funeral Homes Brandt Dallas Center 1301 Ash St Dallas Center, IA 50063 (515) 992-3701
Iles Funeral Homes Sundberg Kirkpatrick 202 S Market St Madrid, IA 50156 (515) 795-3283