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AARP* Grief and Loss Programs 601 E. Street, NW Washington, DC 20049 Air Crash Support Network 1595 York Ave., Box 22 New York, NY 10028 (877) ACSN-HELP Alive Alone 11115 Dull Robinson Road Van Wert, OH 45891 Alliance of Grandparents PO Box 17281 Phoenix, AZ 85011-0281 (888) 774-7437 ALS Association* 27001 Agoura Road Calabasas, CA 91301 (818) 880-9007 Alzheimer's Association* 919 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1000 Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 335-8700 American Association of Suicidology 4201 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 310 Washington, DC 20049 American Cancer Society* 1599 Clifton Road, NE Atlanta, GA 30329 (800) ACS-2345 American Diabetes Association Research Foundation* 1701 North Beauregard Street Alexandria, VA 22311 American Foundation for AIDS Research* 120 Wall St. New York, NY 10005 (212) 682-7440 ext. 210 American Heart Association* 7320 Greenville Ave. Dallas, TX 75231 527-6941 American Hospice Foundation 1130 Connecticut, NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 223-0204 American Kidney Fund* 6110 Executive Blvd., Suite 1010 Rockville, MD 20852 (800) 638-8299 American Liver Foundation 1425 Pomptom Ave. Cedar Grove, NJ 07009-1000 (800) 233-0179 American Lung Association* 1740 Broadway New York, NY 10019 (800) LUNG-USA American SIDS Institute* 2480 Windy Hill Rd. Suite 380 Marietta, GA 30067 (800) 232-SIDS Association for Death Education and Counseling 342 Main St. West Hartford, CT 06117-2507 (860) 586-7503 Backstoppers 9811 South Forty Drive Suite 3 St. Louis, MO 63124 314-692-0200 Bereaved Parents of the USA P.O. Box 95 Park Forest, IL 60466 (630) 971-3490 Bereavement Services/RTS Gunderson Lutheran Medical Center 1910 South Ave. La Crosse, WI 54601 (608) 791-4747 or (800) 362-9567 Ext. 4747 American Childhood Cancer Foundation* 3910 Warner St. Kensington, MO 20895 (800) 366-2223 (301) 962-3521 Center for Loss in Multiple Birth (CLIMB) Inc.* P.O. Box 91377 Anchorage, AK 99509 (907) 222-5321 The Compassionate Friends* 4 8660 Pontiac Trail
Wixom, MI 48393 (877) 969-0010 (Supports families who have experienced the death of a child) Concerns of Police Survivors P.O. Box 3199, So. Highway 5 Camdenton, MO 65020 (314) 346-4911 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation* 6931 Arlington Road Bethesda, MD 20014 (800) 344-4823 Funeral Service Educational Foundation 13625 Bishop's Drive Brookfield, WI 53005 (877) 402-5900 Grief Magazine 1941 Bishop Lane, Suite 202 Louisville, KY 40219-1927 (800) 346-3087* Hospice Foundation of America 2001 S Street, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20009 (800) 854-3402
In Loving Memory* 1416 Green Run Lane Reston, VA 20090 (703) 435-0608 (Dedicated to helping parents cope with the loss of their only child or all of their children.) Leukemia Society of America* 600 Third Ave. New York, NY 10016 (703) 960-1100 The Living Bank Organ and Tissue Donation Box 6725 Houston, TX 77265 (800) 528-2971 Make-A-Wish Foundation Of America* 100 Charendon Ave., Suite 2200 Phoenix, AZ 85013 (602) 279-9474 March of Dimes Birth Defects Association* 1275 Marnaroneck Ave. White Plains, NY 10605 (800) 453-3816 Mothers Against Drunk Driving Victim Assistance Program 511 E John Carpenter Freeway Suite 700 Irving, TX 75062 (800) GET-MADD Muscular Dystrophy Association* 3300 E. Sunrise Dr. Tucson, AZ 85718 (520) 529-2000 National AIDS Fund 1400 "I" St., NW, Suite 1220 Washington, DC 20005-2208 (202) 408-4848 National Catholic Ministry 28700 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, OH 44092-2527 (440) 943-3480 National Donor Family Council C/o National Kidney Foundation 30 East 33rd St. New York, NY 10016 (800) 622-9010 (212) 889-2210 (For Families of those who died and became Organ and/or tissue donors.) National Hospice Organization* 1901 N. Moore St., Suite 901 Arlington, VA 22209 (703) 243-5900 (800) 658-8898 Parents of Murdered Children Inc. (POMC) 100 E. Eighth St., B41 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 721-5683 (888) 818-POMC Pen-Parents Inc. PO Box 8738 Reno, NV 89507 (702) 826-7332 (Support network designed for grieving parents and grandparents providing a pen-pal type service.) Ray of Hope PO Box 2323 Iowa City, IA 52244 (319) 337-9890 (For survivors of those who died from suicide.) Salvation Army National Headquarters* 615 Slaters Ln. PO Box 269 Alexandria, VA 22313 (703) 684-5500 SHARE Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Inc. St. Joseph's Health Center 300 1st Capitol Dr. St. Charles, MO 63001 (800) 821-6819(For families who have experienced the death of a baby due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal death.) SIDS Alliance* 1314 Bedford Ave., Suite 210 Baltimore, MD 21208 (800) 221-7437 (410) 653-8226 Society of Military Widows 5535 Hempstead Way Springfield, VA 22151 (703) 750-1342 THEOS Foundation, Inc. 322 Blvd. Of the Allies Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412) 471-7779 TBI/Tissue Banks International* 815 Parks Ave. Baltimore, MD 21201 (800) 756-4824 Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors Inc. (TAPS) 2001 S Street, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036 (800) 959-TAPS (202) 588-8277 United Cerebral Palsy Association* 1660 L St. NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 776-04006 (800) USA-5UCP Wings of Lights Inc. 16845 N. 29th Ave., Ste 1 Phoenix, AZ 85053 (800) 613-8531 (Support and information network for aircraft accident survivors and others directly affected by aviation accidents.)
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