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Cremation urns provide the vessel in which to memorialize a loved one. While a cremation urn serves to safeguard the cremated remains, it should also reflect the personality of the deceased individual. Cremation urns are made from a variety of natural and man-made materials. Before a cremation urn is selected, some thought should be given to the final placement of the cremated remains. Urns may be kept at home, buried or placed in a columbarium at a cemetery, or used to carry the cremated remains for a scattering ceremony. The presence of the urn at the memorial service might also impact the selection as well.
Family members or special friends often want to memorialize their loved ones by retaining a small portion of the cremated remains. A variety of small keepsake urns and pendants are available for this purpose.
We understand these needs and offer a wide variety of urns and keepsakes that can help you make your decision. All of our urns and keepsakes are constructed by reputable manufacturers that stand behind their products. Visit our Planning and Expense Guide to see the wide variety of urns and keepsakes to choose from.
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